The Quranic Essence of Parenting – Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

The Quranic Essence of Parenting – Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic examples of parent-child relationships shed light on many issues that plight Muslim families all over the world today, says Nouman Ali Khan. While the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), whose father built idols that he destroyed, reminds us that imaan is not only influenced by the environment in which we are raised, that of Nuh (AS) and his son teaches us that even if you are a Prophet, you may end up with a child who refuses to accept Allah’s message. Although we have a responsibility towards our children, we have no control over the results. Allah has endowed all human beings with the ability to think for themselves which means that once your child reaches adulthood, he/she will have to make their own choices. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) famously told his daughter Fahemah that she should fear Allah because she will have to stand before Him at her own merits, for even he cannot intervene on her behalf. Risking our spiritual and emotional relationship with our children can be avoided if we take a cue from Luqman (AS) who waited for the right circumstances to lecture his son about religion. And to sons and daughters, beware because the crimes you commit against your parents will only lead to perpetual loss and agony both in this life and the next.

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  • amtul kaleem


  • Oabgan

    Beautiful lecture. MashaAllah!

  • Hzj Gamer

    Jazak Allah- this lecture was very helpful

  • Yasmine Sharei

    Mashallah!!! Quran gives us a lot of example about parenting which we need to contemplate on it and try to implement it in our daily life. May Allah gives us Sabr and knowledge to go on. Ameen.

  • vmath101 vmath101

    This video claims muhammad married a six year old girl

  • Suha Salameh

    The most important lecture I’ve ever heard as a parent. May Allah forgive us as children, and as parents!!

  • Md Nurul Islam Sohel

    Jazakallhu khairan…

  • A Believer

    What a beautiful and practical lesson every parent/child should listen toMay Allah reward Sheikh Nouman, his parents, his teachers and those who have helped to put this lesson Jazaakum Allahu khairan

  • nadia me

    Jazak Allahu kheir

  • saima q

    I watched this khutbah today and I said to Allah subhanAllah!!

  • Silmy Mohamed

    Assalamu alaikum Sheik Nouman Ali, May Allah bless your every single day and every single moment. This Khuthba is a gold mine !!! By the way I sent you an email but I did not get any reply for my mail. Jazakakka Khairan. Wassalam.

  • konsol oyun

    No muslim should live in the USA, you can only go there as a missionery from time to time , but as long as you live there you will have problems because the water you drink, the food you eat is all haram, carried by the oil that is stolen from the muslim your brothers .. so Allah gives you all this problems but you will not see the reasons.. open your eyes and go live in a muslim country.

  • Mahmuda begum


  • Tamyez Alisalih

    بارك الله فيك
    ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذُرِّيّاتنا قُرّة أعين واجعلنا للمتّقين إماما

  • BigHope

    So Beautiful…. practical practice of Islam that very lost in ummah.

  • Munad Hasan Farshad

    thanks a lot for the speech sir.. but how about a child is in islam.. prays salah and obey allah.. and still cursed by parents for he couldnt give money… there are a lots of child like here and there too.. who marries at the right age to avoid haram relationship.. and cursed by parents..

  • redouane naoui

    ya mo9aliba ll9oloub tappit 9olobona 3la dinik

  • Bryant B

    This Khutbah right here hit the nail on the head with what me and my wife are going through with our own kids. Listening to this reminded me that this scenario has been going on for thousands of years, actually since the time our Father Adam and Mother Eve came to this planet. May Allah help us and guide us on dealing with our offspring and those who we are given charge over such as our stepchildren as well. Amen, Amen, Amen. Thank you brother Nouman for this reminder. JZK

  • allyson gari

    Allah reward you all for this beautiful reminder <3

  • Ijaz Ahamed

    Eye opener ustaz, jazakallah khair!!

  • Anna


  • rayhan rifat


  • Osher Lior

    Hello Mr. President!

  • nafISA Ruhullah

    No! PARENTS ARE NOT GOD! they exploit Islam to actually control their kids with religious psychological blackmail! How many women quote the famous hadith’s on mothers when they wanna blackmail their kids to do stuff (like marry against their will)- Think again. There r bad kids out here but ultimately wheres the unconditional love that the parents r meant to have their kids? If tour your child wants to be a kufr; u have no choice but to let them be.

  • Sheeza Imad

    this Khutubha is sooo good thank u gor sharing it with me

  • nemisaboo Inarus

    Awsom khutba. My salaams to you may allah give you jazakheir n reward you for all your hard work.

  • Nanku Hafsa

    Rabbanaa yubaarik fiikum

  • Heba Alsaiha

    Why there is so many deleted khutbas ?please you guys download them again they are of so much benefit for so many people , jazakom Allah khiran .

  • Rayane El Masri

    SubhanaAllah this Khutba came just in time, I was really overwhelmed by my parents inability to deal with my brother’s rebellion.. I am going to show it to them, for inchAllah they wouldn’t get frustrated anymore and know how to deal with him.. Jazakum Allah Khayran 🙂

  • Bushura Onigbanjo

    May almighty Allah continue to increase you in knowledge and wisdom and never decreases, amee. Salaam Allahikun my dear Brother.

  • al-Haifawi

    I would like to take the opportunity to warn some parents of misunderstanding what the sheikh is saying. This khutbah does not mean that you should allow your children to conduct immoral acts and just "be patient". In the case of _nushooz_ for example, there is a commandment in the Qur’an on the steps you are supposed to take. We are not just passive observers, letting our children go far astray… especially if we are living in muslim countries. We are afterall the shepherds of our flocks, and a shepherd drags the sheep that have gone astray back into the flock. A shepherd steers the flock to its destination and does not allow the sheep to go astray. However, if one of the sheep rebels and runs away we care for those who are left, we cannot use disallowed means to force that sheep back into the flock (fear Allah!)… Also, we should not drive our children towards sin nor should we open that door for them. Whatever immoral acts we can prevent, we should, but we should not commit crimes in order to do so. As long as we fill our duties towards Allah, that is sufficient for us. If you guide, warn, council, prevent the spread of corruption and enjoin good and forbid evil, then you have done your part. And do not forget to deliver the good news as well, not all is doom and gloom. Teach about Allahs forgiveness, love, and mercy.

  • Nafiz Haq

    Assalamualikum brother no comparison of your lectures…

  • Sabeen

    what age should this be .if child is under 16

  • Cutie Zalbu

    I didn’t know I was causing my mom all this trouble,I’m a perfect description of who Nouman Ali Khan just said but slowly but surely his videos have been changing me for the past two years,I went from someone who used to say "F Allah" to someone who cries in silent prayer at night!!! If there’s hope for me to go from an atheist to Who a proud knowledgeable Muslim,Then there definitely some for you,At least just try…🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • Muneera Islam

    I would subscribe u trillion times if I could may Allah help ur family and you

  • al-Haifawi

    May Allah reward you. This gave me reassurance of what I am doing. I still have some questions though, but I think I have to search for the answers to these on my own.

  • Ema Lozan

    beautifull khutbah,very inpirational

  • misbah khan

    Powerful and such needed message for everyone

  • nakiseka rahmah

    Mashallah khutubah so great . Educative

  • Salwa Zambri

    😢😢😢 May Allah guide n bless us all. Shall avoid sending children khutba videos. May Allah bless you Ustadz Nouman. Tq

  • watercongas

    12:19 "…and she stays out late at night" And so what?

  • F Haque

    Dear Sheikh Norman Ali, we hear a lot about the wrongs of the children against parents but what about the other way around ? , I have been searching high and low for lectures about parent’s duties and responsibilities but find very little information about this side. There are plenty of parents who don’t like responsibility, they run from it too, there are parents who neglected to care for their children completely because they see children as burden, or because they are very lazy, and there are mothers who can abuse her children or even kill them, and there are mothers who send their babies for adoption happily, and there are mothers who prioritise their boyfriends or husbands over the children ie the attachment to the child is not as high as the attachment to the adult relationships, etc etc My father was someone who never prayed, who never gave zakat, who never fasted, and who never spoke to me and my siblings, he was so distant from us that when the marriageable years came along he couldn’t even approach us to coordinate any information or take our views on anything. My mother was someone who followed my father in blindness to the detriment of our interests, ie she would prioritise him rather than us on any matter, even she kicked me out on to the streets without any prior justification because I was the one who was religious and I used to pray without them ever having taught me a single surah and rest of Islam. My mother only started praying to Allah after my father’s death but she remained aloof, so I never felt that I have parents, I always felt like I was just a temporary visitor in their house. They never made us feel we belong to them and never gave us any psychological support etc etc.

  • Sami Aziz

    21:45 exactly my mum!

  • Mister Sir

    In Islam youre not allowed to mastrubate. But you are allowed to:
    1: marry 4 wifes (Muhammed married even 9)
    2: Marry underage children (Muhammed married Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9)
    3: Marry your daughter in-law (Muhammad married Zainab (Zaids wife))
    4: Beat your wife if she refuses sex
    5: Have unmarried sex with a slavegirl

    Please look it up. Islam was never what you ever thought it was. This is coming from an ex-muslim

  • Айым Ержан

    Hi, Mr. Numan. I from Kazakhstan (I listen to your lectures in Russian).
    I would like to thank you for EVERYTHING. Listening to your lectures, I have understood a lot of things. THANK YOU!

  • osama dar

    Sometimes it’s the opposite like in the case of ibrahim AS you want to take your parents to salah and deen…but how can you even do dawah to people who know every inch of you 🙁
    Ya Rabbi Arhamhuma kamma Rabbayaani sageera

  • Noreen Shahbaz

    This is the issue of this time. May Allah bless you Nauman Ali khan & the team. I needed this advice at this time. I am going through same situation as brother tells & stopping myself to deliver lectures. It takes time. This khuba is another incentive to me to stay a loving parent & asking for Allah ‘s help.

  • Adnan Mokodompit

    Subhanallah….. Jazakallahu khoiran….. Alhamdulillah…… Masya Allah…..

  • Shahnaz Siddiqui

    This khutba gold mine. i am out of strees ,u khutbah give me guide my ALLAH accept u efforts.Ameen.

  • Batmans

    How can come to see numan khan personally , I live in Oklahoma and willing to drive about 300 mile any time .