The Importance of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: Erika Brodnock at TEDxHackney

The Importance of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: Erika Brodnock at TEDxHackney

According to the Mental Health Foundation, one in ten children between the ages of one and 15 has a mental health disorder and it is reckoned that 1 in 4 will experience some form of depression or anxiety at some point in their childhood. Erika founded Karisma Kidz, a company that coaches children through their problems, helping them to learn to manage and counter any difficulties they are facing or having to deal with using play. Erika specialises in cutting-edge techniques that embrace Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, Noetic Science and Energy. Having spent 14 years in Education, Parenting and Family Support and Performance Improvement, she decided to follow her passion for working with people at the subconscious level and delve into the world of Energy Work and Psychology.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)


  • Jordan Fisher

    This is fantastic!!!! I love this product and website and am so behind it. Great talk!

  • Ilze Gaismā

    Great! 🙂

  • Titanium anton

    WOOOOW!!!! I Like it! very effective!

  • Stephanie Barinas

    loved it!

    I really did.. <3

  • Jasmin

    Lol loved the guy at 13:40 totally unimpressed and kinda upset I wonder what he thinks.

  • GoldSilver Bullion

    This talk also serves as a great cautionary tale about the dangers of universal healthcare.

  • Adam Hadaller

    Dr. Robert Fredrickson of What exactly? Have I missed something? Is there a link to this 20yr study?

  • Joiichi Oda

    Amen to TED Talks, as always. 🙂

  • Miranda S

    Such a smart, inspiring woman.

  • Ruka Erika

    That is amazing , wow

  • Bob

    should make a cartoon series based on this platform……………….. great talk!

  • Anand Sivapragasam

    Real world is just a perception of individual, it’s same for adults and kids too. Creating a virtual positive world for kids amazing idea.

  • Mick Silkstone

    Love this whole idea for children ,so valid for children today . Though I was disappointed by the mention of the word "Princess for the Doll ". Though I have just realised this Ted x talk was done back in 2013 so much more talk has been done since that time on the "Gender neural" approach . I do hope this project has been fully embraced & proved be have been a success ,is there some where ,a website ,Facebook page etc for any updates . Thank you

  • Anna Shilov

    This was so good! I would love to get those dolls and games for my kids.

  • Raymond Antrobus

    Great stuff!

  • misteeq64

    How to raise an emotionally healthy child simple LET THEM BE CHILDREN

  • Jake Moff

    try showing humility and being honest

  • Swanlake

    That is an amazing idea!

  • TheCommotion

    Stress is a PERCEPTION of inadequacy — this is so important to understand!

  • David Long

    Thank you! I love it all! Thanks for the RAS reminder as well.

  • akeepsit100

    Turned into a salespitch real quik, how much for the doll? Lolz

  • roseagain2

    Brilliant thanks!

  • Agatha Nicodin

    This is such a good talk! I love these under-viewed Ted-talks. They’re gems!

  • Elizabeth Zaragoza

    If you uys could pitch in please, TYIA

  • Jessica Martinez

    Are you trying to help or sell? Super confused watching the video

  • Sugar Caine

    Navigating safely through Moodville, away from angry alley and fear farm, into the gratitude garden. Super cute! #MommyAndGoose 😚

  • Susan Allen

    Check out the grumpy guy not clapping at the end!

    What an inspiring talk, and what a great set of tools for the children.

  • Jacques-Olivier Ramponi

    TED has become a cheap way to make great advertisement for one’s whatever company.

  • Niyazi Xidirov

    Extensive listening e göre baxanlar

  • Scott L. Royal

    Awesome. Create children that are mentally and emotionally empowered for life, rather, than waiting to fix broken adults.

  • Becci Johnson

    wow what an inspiring and excellent idea! thank you Erika!

  • David Daring

    First, I will guess this is a single parent – the first mistake. Second, she expects the state to solve her social problems – the next mistake. Third, children usually mirror the actuality of the parent, not the pretend world people like this teach – another mistake. Fourth, Children need to earn their own respect to gain self-esteem – not to enter the pretend world this woman suggests. It is the personal interactions, the viewing of happy well adjusted parents, not this pretend life that has a positive effect. Feminism, government, and "Professionals" have done all they can to destroy true character development.

  • Paola Lopez

    this is JUST AMAZING! <3 makes me feel more happier with what is being offered out there so that if I become a parent one day, there is HOPE for our children.