Stossel – Grow Up: Parenting Wars

Stossel – Grow Up: Parenting Wars

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  • William Avitt

    Glad you finally got this up lol

  • Kevin Las

    i love amy chua

  • Javier G Madrigal Jr.

    That Lenore Skenazy.
    Yikes! I can only hope I find a woman like that. 
    So easy-going, refusing to worry about un-necessary matters. 
    God bless her.

  • Patricia Cantwell

    Only in America, NY is in the process of legalizing the parents’ choice to inject poison into the heart of an 8 month fetus to abort them. AND yet a parent can’t decide if their 7 year old can walk for 2 miles home?
    What? Yes I was more than a free range kid, i was born in 1951, at 7 I walked at night from the corner bus stop to my Dad’s house with my two older sisters 11 and 13 after traveling 50 miles on a public bus from my Mom’s house for our weekend visit. At 9 I rode my bike to the public park about 3 miles for swim lessons. I also had hidden behind my Mom’s skirt at 5 and people told Mom I’d never grow up….no wonder our culture is in a tailspin…..we don’t have the love of humanity only the ego to be right over others….

  • puppetsock

    "Free range" is code for "somebody else is going to do the babysitting."

  • Laura Te Aho-White

    I was a free range kid, I used to go out and about with my siblings to places like the playground and have fun. It taught me responsibility and independence. My only recommendation is that kids are best to stay in groups, that way everyone can keep an eye out for each other. But otherwise besides that, let kids be kids.

  • Scott Reynolds

    Where are the husbands in these gender neutral households? They need to step up and strap on their nuts!

  • rumandcoke32

    We have allowed big business to take dad outta the house. This is what we’re left with. Women acting like they are the better parents and now they sell vacuums to little boys. Awesome

  • CV

    Child worship:   Children are now pawns in a wealth-power redistribution game.   "A society that believes it is working for the best interests in its children will suffer tremendous hardships"  – Adolph Hitler

  • Nautilus Nexus


  • CV

    Before this vid starts, I’ll take a wild guess this is about instilling ‘female’ values on society (while masking these forced rules with words like safety) – rules with good (yet Marxist Naïve) intentions that are ultimately destroying our freedoms, expanding gov’t, and turning everyone into a bunch of self-entitled cry babies.

    If you want an example of ‘female’ values – visit your local prison.   90% of the inmates there come from single mother homes – homes ruled by emotion & lack of consistency, free of logic.
    This equation is all tied to removing the alpha male from society and the destruction of the family unit.

  • Tony F

    5:00 Yikes that family therapist seems like a real witch!

  • Martin Banker

    I don’t know if everyone getting a trophy is the root problem. Everyone getting the SAME trophy seems to be the real problem to me. I still believe in a middle ground that encourages participation while also rewarding excellence. For example, I’d love to see kids get participation rewards in the form of a pizza party or something. They saw whatever they were doing through to the end without quitting, and that is more than what many others do. On the other hand, the high-performers should get a bigger reward that distinguishes them from the rest, such as in the form of a physical trophy or a medal.

  • Nautilus Nexus


  • Nick Tanzillo

    "It’s true, and my son like to turn just about everything into a gun or a shooting mechanism, not matter how hard I try to discourage it"
    Well then, aren’t you going against your own (BS, anti-science) philosophy by doing so?

  • wisted

    So glad I was a free range kid. While I don’t agree entirely with Tiger Mom’s systematic, calculated approach, she does succeed in instilling grit, a rare quality these days. I attribute this to her insistence on not coddling her children’s feelings, although I’d strike more of a balance in regards to leisure if it was me in the captain’s chair .

    Thanks for posting the special!

  • TickedOff Priest

    Heartless vs. Helicopter
    Find the balance

  • TheAlaric89

    I am sure Tiger Mom’s kids will make excellent cannon fodder. She trained them to follow authority better then a robot.

  • Kilgore Trout

    The police charged the father with a crime because his 7 year old child didn’t have "nourishment" for a 1 mile walk home!? This pathetic cop seriously doesn’t think a human being can walk for 15-20 minutes without needing to take a break and drink water and eat a meal!? At least claim it was because the child was unsupervised. This cop should be kicked off the force and criminally charged with harassment and false imprisonment. What a terrible human being. Is letting your 7 year old walk a mile or so home a "good" idea. I wouldn’t. But to make it a crime is simply horrendous. I guess my evil parents should of been thrown in prison since they let us play outside UNSUPERVISED for multiple hours at a time with no "nourishment". If we wanted food, it was up to us to hike the 1-3 miles back home to get it. They even let us play outside…IN THE DARK!!! How we lived to tell about it is a miracle. I should write a book about how my parents "abused" me for letting me play outside for getting straight A’s and rarely ever getting in trouble.

  • chbrules

    The biggest problem are stupid people putting their beliefs on their children. That’s basically it. Instead of supporting their kid and telling them to try things, they’d rather they didn’t take risks and embrace their world views.

  • Damola Aderinwale

    sounds like communist China 26:48 (is it a coincidence she is Asian) 

  • jump oricakle

    well done stossel.

  • Nautilus Nexus


  • Visfen

    20:00 those children are gonna be completely destroyed.

  • Concerned Citizen

    The overly-protective parents breed a new generation pampered pricks who don’t value work, can’t take care of themselves, and stay home all day doing god knows what. These kids grow up getting used to having stuff handed to them, when their parents no longer can/want to support them, they turn to government for free handouts.

    I grew up in a country 100x more dangerous than the US. Child abduction, rape, and assault, and robbery is much more prevalent there. But my folks let me go out and play with other kids, walk to school on my own, and do stuff outside of school. They armed me with pepper spray and teach me to defend myself should I put myself in a dangerous situation. I grew up smarter and tougher than most whose parents treated them little princesses.

  • MrSmart0ne

    Most people will  not watch this video and  too many will be too dumb to see the damage they are doing to the rest of their kids lives.

  • Laura Te Aho-White

    I was raised gender neutral but it wasn’t forced upon me. My parents gave me the opportunity to enjoy what I wanted to enjoy as each kid should have the chance to do. Some boys like things we stereotypically call feminine and some girls like things we stereotypically call masculine, when in reality none of these things have genders at all. So I guess in a way my parents taught me gender freedom, meaning that boys and girls can do what they want to do.