Our parents VS. Parenting

Our parents VS. Parenting

Thank you Preston Smiles for this beautiful message and the way you delivered it. Forever grateful. If you are not following Preston and His beloved Alexi, I highly suggest it! We are all tribe

My podcast on Anchor the App:

Check out this epic channel for lots of channeling help with the ascension and twin flame process we are going through as a collective
Aluna Ash clairvoyant 9D

If you feel called to help support me (my job here in this planet is to share my life with you all, along with being a full time mommy) every ounce of energy is highly appreciated and will help me work towards sharing more and more of the knowledge with you all. Thank you

PayPal: SpiritualMama101@gmail.com

Patreon: http://Www.patreon.com/spiritualtashamama

You can also buy and download my Vegan E-Cook Book :http://bit.ly/myvegancookbook

Contact Email: SpiritualMama101@gmail.com
IG: Tajh_ma

You can also inquire to hire me for public speaking/ retreat events on any topic ranging from: parenting, pregnancy, breastfeeding, birthing, unassisted birthing, plant based/ vegan lifestyle, weight loss, yoga, etc.

~ The owner of this website did not create the video you are watching, and does not necessarily share the opinions or views shared within the video.~