Mindfulness and Parenting: Mary Ann Christie Burnside at TEDxWaldenPond
Mindfulness and Parenting: Mary Ann Christie Burnside at TEDxWaldenPond
Mary Ann Christie Burnside, Ed.D. is a developmental psychologist who specializes in relational health and mindfulness education. In 2008, she founded Hearts and Minds, an educational organization, to make mindfulness more accessible to children,
teens, parents, teachers and other adults in and around her community. Mary Ann, who completed her doctorate in Human Development and Psychology at Harvard University, offers diverse programs such as group sessions in school, workplace and community settings; before and after school
programs for children; mindfulness retreats for adults; professional development for teachers and others; parent groups; family meditation programs; weekly mindfulness meditation practice groups; organizational consulting; public speaking engagements; online seminars; and private, individualized coaching. She enjoys writing about mindfulness on her blog “Growing Happiness” and as a guest columnist in various print and digital publications.
Her Talk: Mindfulness and Parenting: Be the change you wish to see in
your family.
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Applied immediately to two huge problems with great outcomes. Thank you.