How to raise successful kids — without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims
How to raise successful kids — without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren’t actually helping. At least, that’s how Julie Lythcott-Haims sees it. With passion and wry humor, the former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford makes the case for parents to stop defining their children’s success via grades and test scores. Instead, she says, they should focus on providing the oldest idea of all: unconditional love.
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This shld have more views and likes. "Our kids are not bonsai trees, they are wild flowers of unknown genus"
Love it! Love is the key!!
It’s good to let the kid grow and experience life’s successes and failures on his own but parents today are helpless as these qualities are exactly what others look for. I don’t understand why is it one sided. if the child does something wrong, people say what kind of parents are they… people judge parents 🙁 It is unfair
Damn! I’m white not asain, calm down.
To give them love is to give them G-d.
Jesus is love.
I always thought parenthood was like Master Splinter from TMNT, teach them how to survive and teach them the code of honor.
Little prince movie
Wow preach it sister! This was amazing! ❤️
Thank you so very much. My ah moment it is important to them love and happiness because the colleges and the Universities don’t have those degrees. After all those degrees they will work with colleagues and bosses that need their kindness and their understanding, and their leadership.
Counter to the stereotypes, my Asian parents actually encouraged me to go to community.
#1 Your children are their own people. Don’t try to live vicariously through them. #2 Everybody is born with God given talent(s). Nurture those instead of focusing on what they don’t have. #3 Raise good people, not society’s definition of “successful” people. #4 Allow your child to be different and celebrate their individuality. #5 Let them make mistakes and be there when they fall. — this is how I hope to raise my child.
Beautifully touching
Hi ma’am, please make video on single parenting.
How should parents deal with their children?
Thank you so much Julie…. very informative speech… 😀
Someone who gets it!!
I’m African American. And the community where I am from. We need all that pressure. I’m having hard time connecting. But I’m sure it’s applicable to some
It’s like we as parents can’t do anything right! We can’t be overly complacent and now we can’t even care too much!! It’s so scary. I don’t know how to parent anymore
Does she have kids
We are imperfect people trying to raise perfect children. Go figure.
Thank you for that!! ❤️🎈
But in real life thats what matter!! Right grades to attend the right university for the right career!!
4:33 I’m 18 years old korean student.
Now, I am mentally and physically exhausted with hard work and loneliness.
But, my parents can’t hear my mental pain.
This was awesome!
I honestly didn’t like this talk. I’m not sure what audience this woman is speaking to, but whoever thinks success is going to a certain school or having a certain career, and wang their child to do that so much that they let them out of chores and can’t show them they love them…. who is that!!!??? Maybe this woman and her friends. Also there’s so much more than "love and chores". I thought TED had well thought out talks, this one was rather blah.
I don’t know what made me click on this, but I needed it. God is so good. That you for these encouraging words.
Hi this is my blog on parenting
This makes me feel worse given that I was raised through a checklist childhood. I feel pressured to succeed in life even though I don’t truly understand what’s the definition of success anymore
Loving this!
The most important thing about parenting is getting your kids to Church on Sunday. If you don’t, the devil will get in them and they will break your heart with what they become. I have seen it happen, and I know of many other cases. Until God stops becoming a curse word and starts becoming a reverent word again, our kids will never become good people.
Good to watch
Great speech! When my son was younger, I use to try to make him into a minature me, wanting him to think and respond the way I do. The Lord told me to stop and concentrate on helping him to develop character and to love him, no matter what.
Fantastic speaker
What a great talk! Powerful message!
Who is this lady?? She’s great.
The other half of this talk should mention the glory and respect trade schools bring where kids thrive working with their hands, working outside, working on things we have become clueless to repair or maintain.
Dear all precious friends, it’s not about raising successful kids, it’s about raising kids who love Lord Jesus and Serve Him and glorify Him. All the answers to the whole world is in the Bible. I pray that all of us repent in front of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you all.
It comes from a beautiful mind , the parents who love their children in a right way. It doesn’t matter where they’ll educate? But,they believe their children will find a best way to learn, living with happiness.
So good and needed!!! Thank you!!!
I almost cried watching this.
Awareness. LOVE. Transformation!!! Every time I listen, I SEE more! Thank you!!!
That is educational and very good advise to both parents and.children and very deep and teaching speech thank u!!
Self-efficacy. Thank you. That stuck.
I’m so glad I watched this while my girls are still young. My "wildflowers" are free to become whatever they chose so long as they are kind and respectful of others.
This year I told my kids we are letting the pressure off. In an attempt to make children the best we are creating a generation of neurotics. I’m learning to hear what my children need from them. It’s ok if kids are not the best at everything but they should be the best version of themselves. Children need more time with parents. It’s the simple things that touch them, take a walk and just listen to them. Tell jokes and laugh together. Hug them everyday. The most important thing is to pray and ask God to guide you in raising them.🙏