Gender Neutral Parenting: Why We’re Raising Our Son Neither Boy Or Girl

Gender Neutral Parenting: Why We’re Raising Our Son Neither Boy Or Girl

Gender Neutral Parenting: Why We’re Raising Our Son Neither Boy Or Girl


Lisa Price, 23, from Walsall, West Midlands, is raising her two-year-old son Max Price as gender neutral – as neither a boy nor a girl. Lisa and her husband Martin Price, 34, encourage Max to pick his own clothes and his favourite combination is a pink tutu and fairy wings with a boy’s checked shirt. As well as playing with toy cars and dinosaurs, Max also has his own dolls and a toy pram to push them in.

Videographer / Director: John Robertson
Producer: Emma Pearson
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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  • random For life

    You are a terrible parent

  • MrAnthonyIII

    What I don’t like about this "gender neutral parenting" is some parents’ rush to label a boy as "transgirl" as soon as he shows interest in anything that’s not conventionally considered masculine. I agree that boys should be allowed to play with whatever kinds of toys they wants. But if he chooses to play with dolls and pretty clothes, that doesn’t make him a "transgirl"; it just makes him a boy who likes dolls and pretty clothes. He may even also still like actions figures and sport, as well

    It’s actually very regressive to say he must be a transgirl if he likes certain things, as it’s basically saying only girls can like these things. It’d be better for parents to recognize that boys can have diverse interests, and that doesn’t make him less of a boy

  • Popeye The Sailorman

    No wonder muzzies are taking over in these countries…… bunch of degenerates……

  • Mattia & Co.

    Isn’t it child abuse? I mean; their experimenting with that kid. He’s no a toddler is ther toy

  • sheikh abou

    Ooof, Sickness

  • Reggie Wagstaff

    There is a stage of development preceding individualism and that is identifying as similar. Give the kid the structure he needs, let him “rebel” later.
    These parents who want gender neutrality are idiots.

  • Madison Lewe

    If my son picked out a princess gown and wants to wear it I won’t object to that, but I don’t think I’d purposely pick up a dress for him to wear out of my own choosing.

  • Andrewchu

    I honestly hate our society. What a waste

  • Taliyah Tolbert

    I like that kid

  • Jardiel

    Children are cruel, he will be bullied. This way of thinking is stupid and I have a pink Tshirt i wear sometimes.

  • King 2015

    your sick

  • E'Lena Ashley

  • ジャイメー

    These parents are straight up brainwashing their child. How disgusting.

  • Diego Velazquez

    If you raise your parents with acknowledging their gender you deserve to go to jail

  • MackenDeez

    The father is a wuss therefore the son will grow up being a beta male cuck.

  • Claymo

    As long as the kid has a say the whole way round, I see no problem.

  • Adri h9

    "in hopes that max will have a better understanding of women" how is that gender neutral?

  • dina depina

    What’s going on the kids picking everything he wants in a if you bring him to a riffle shop and points at a gun he wants will that be his choice too..

  • Clout Kamui

    I mean, I see no problem in letting little boys play with dolls and want painted nails, it’s another story if the parents are forcing it on him

  • Uv Masterball

    this kid is gunna get eatan up and spat out in school

  • Dues Ex Is God

    I feel so bad for these kids the parents are the ones who are controlling the kid of the boy was to grow up by himself he would naturally gravitate toward more masculine things it’s just how it is for boys. The only kids who like both are the kids of crazy liberals who raise them like that

  • The Aesthetic

    So you are encouraging a stereotype saying women like pink and because my son likes pink , and cannot have individual preferences now they are gender non conforming. Also why are you raising him like this isn’t that what he/ they should decide when they’re older

  • space raider

    disgusting… sick people, especially the father, impotent man who cant raise his son as a boy and lets his wife make a degenerate out of that child

  • dina depina

    Y does his dad not wear dresses too sometimes..if your gonna do this you have to go all the way..just saying..

  • Arthur Höglund

    Thos gender nonsens should be illegal to force on your child. Child abuse…

  • Justin Davis

    I understand either being female or male but non gender? That’s just ridiculous lol

  • Clickbait37

    The revenge of the left.

  • You can't stop me lovin' myself

    No….just no…

  • daviddare100

    does this people know thar no matter how you raise your child, he/she will get a personality with his/her friends and not from the parents? when that kids get a own reasoning, he will hate his parents

  • Stefan

    He will have to go a hard way, the society is not ready for that.

  • Lucifer Morningstar


  • Sergey Eliseev

    Kali Yuga is on its way(

  • skinnerbs

    This is disgusting and child abuse

  • James Morris

    So how often was dad wearing women’s clothes and mom wearing men’s clothes around the kid? Does the dad put on fake boobs to breastfeed the child and does mom mow the lawn? It might as well be parents smoking in front of their kid and at the same time telling the kid smoking is bad. Most boys grow up to be men that respect and protect women. You know how the boys learned it? Not from a "don’t hit girls class." They learned it from seeing how their dad treated their mom and other women.

  • Speedytyperman Answers

    Can you at least let the child choose which ever orientation they want instead of you two forcing the poor child into it….

  • Rocko Never Cool

    you are going to damage this childs mind

  • Anibal YouTube

    the result of millennials having a child

  • CaptainSharky

    How to destroy a child

  • Bitcoin Andy

    Child abuse

  • Clickbait37

    This is just going to end up screwing the kid for his future.

  • firstnsx

    A biological boy or girl should be raised as such , anything else is criminal. When they are an adult, then , and only then, can they decide what they want to be. What other life altering decisions do you let children make for themselves? Do you let them drive, or decide what medicine to take ? It is difficult to describe how heinous the parent"s behavior is.

  • Mike Peterwas

    I’m in the twilight zone somebody pinch me

  • ObroProductions

    Im gonna raise my kids as chinese lizards traped in a mans nutsack.

  • BrutalJuice

    People with a mental illness shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children.

  • dina depina

    Let the kid grow up and choose then.

  • terry brown

    Not sure what they’re trying to accomplish, but it’s all a waste of time. As soon as he starts school, peer pressure will have him reverting to traditional male attire and toys.

  • Beurre Pinotte

    Child abuse.

  • BlossomButt

    Disgusting. These type of parents are raising their children like animals, what a disgrace.

  • Nella Joness

    This isn’t gender neutral lol sorry

  • Liz Mowrey

    I mean, why not? If he’s happy and not hurting anyone, go for it!