Eye on Parenting: “Helicopter” Parents

Eye on Parenting: “Helicopter” Parents

When overprotective moms and dads need to back off. Dr. Robyn Silverman offers advice. Then, CNET’s Kara Tsuboi on how staying organized can keep your inner-helicopter grounded.

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  • Captain Jack Sparrow

    I won’t write an essay. I wont complain in detail about my dad. I dont care if he’s hurt by what I think.

    But I fucking hate the way my dad parents and he needs to back the fuck off real fucking soon if he wants to see me and his possible future grandchildren after I move out.

  • Jessica Jeanfelix

    The end of the video made me cringe a bit. What if the child is an adult?

  • chris corona

    I’m just gonna throw my kids out, at 18 and good luck to them. Just like my parents threw me out.

  • KateyCat

    My parents really never do much for me. My mom wants to make sure I can do things on my own. However, she never left me in the dust. She always came in behind to double check to make sure I didn’t screw up important things and still gives advice in situations (although lets me make the ultimate decision….which sometimes I really want her to tell me what I should do)

  • Du Hast

    Usually I don’t like Msm News, but this is exactly. What i like to hear being talked about in the News, I still deal with "Helicopter" Parents.

  • Seth Carreon


  • simplyone200

    Hi guys plz help #parentalabuse Dono what to do

  • simplyone200

    Help me parents are spying on my cellphone don’t know what to do they want me to date!

  • Keyshawn Scott 12

    This shit totally sucks that’s why i cant wait till next year so that i can finally be free

  • Shin Uchiha

    Back then my parents used to scold me for bad grades.. now parents scold the teachers… <.< i hate how things are developing

  • Mark Fairhurst

    As a concerned parent, I WILL NOT stand by and see my child disadvantaged under ANY circumstance.
    Our baby daughter is 36, lives at home and has never been happier.

  • ChadTronic Is C O O L

    Overpowering Parents need to realize that one day these “little” kids are going to grow the heck up and snap!!

  • Andrew

    it sucks when you have overprotective parents… it truly does

  • Bayan1905

    I know a kid that needs this in the worst way, he’s 20 something and he lives at home, doesn’t drive, doesn’t even know how to write a check and Mom gets on his facebook page, and every bit of social media because she’s afraid of someone saying something to him.

  • wolf2966

    Parents need to teach their kids to survive meaning stay off their backs when needed one time I got into a confrontation for a kid who wouldn’t stop harnessing me and got into a small fight and threw a few punches i went home and told my parents they didn’t complain or anything I was punished but my dad said I’m proud of you sticking up for yourself it’s unfortunate but we need to stand up for ourselves to survive and helicopter parents fail to see that when ever I was in discomfort my parents didn’t make calls or complain they said so how are you going to deal with it and in my opinion I’m glad they raised me to be a lover and a fighter and that is true parenting

  • Mi__ly G

    This is an epidemia is most Hispanic homes
    AWFUL ! specially when a mother tries to make her son or girl guilty , I can’t fucking stand it

  • Isabella Arenas

    This reminds me of my boyfriends mother. I hate her now because of her helicopter parenting. She’s on my boyfriends dick 24/7 and he’s 22 years old. It’s ridiculous at this point.

  • guido7095

    FAKE! Helicopters can’t raise childs, they’re just aircrafts

  • luis gonzalez

    oh man my mom just came from my school(paren tacher conference) oh man im really scared she ame in mad i saw her from upstairs…manjust now i had the bravery to face her but wen i saw her i bitched out….ooo this is gonna be akward wen i go down in the living room………………………some1 help but by the time u reply it prperly passed and im dead meat…….

  • Smokey Roll

    My grandmother is always following me wherever I go. I hate her now. She is a pain in the butt. I wish she would stop going wherever I go.

  • Eriii Bambi

    As a young mum, I was so scared of being judged and called a bad mum that I inadvertently became a helicopter mum. All these comments saying they are all bad parents need to realize that these mums may not realize what they are doing, I didnt until someone pointed it out to me. I’m lucky that my daughter is only 2 and it was easy to fix my mistakes

  • Eszra

    If you ask me kids should only watch Elmo until the kid is like 5 or 6, Barney at 4 or 5 also and so on. But some shows you will have to admit aren’t very good for young kids. And there are some shows that are on air just really for shock value and really shouldn’t be watched.
    Kids need protection, but they need to be kids period.

  • Juli E.

    I’m our son’s ‘spare-mom’. When he first got his DL, I went to pick him up at his grandparents. I tossed him the keys to my truck & asked, "do you think you can get us home?". He got this huge grin & said "no problem!" His grandfather said, "are you going to trust him to drive on the highway?!". No time like the present, right? I pretended to nap on our 1 hour ride home, he did just fine & he’s always remembered that I trusted him. Sometimes, the best way to keep a child close to you is to let them go. If you do, they’ll always know the way home & they will.

  • Roman Soiko

    Thank god I moved to a different country away from my parents

  • Ever After

    Think about it like this.
    Once you die, what will happen? Your supposed to be guiding your kid though their life. Letting your kid grow into a person. Not uh, not allowed to date or go out at a opposite sex, curfew at 9:30 pm…….. Choosing your kids college major, giving your 20 year old a bedtime….

  • FeldMarschall Rommel

    (Me) Finally! 26 years of overprotection.
    (Ring Ring!)
    (Me) Hello?
    (Mom) Unacceptable!How can you move without telling me where you move!Give me coordinates and pack up and extra room.
    (Me) Where did I put the gun?I think it is in one of this suitcase.Here it is!
    (Me) Heaven here I come!
    (Mom)Thank goodness I found this Ouija board!

  • Starts at Home with Todaha-Okuyama

    Thank you for reminding us to teach our children to think and not to over protecting. Good reminder of having good faith in our children after teaching them early before 7 years of age. Aloha.

  • BloggerMusicMan


    Statistically speaking though, delinquent behaviour in teens often phases out once they reach adulthood. Teens drinking, getting into a little bit of trouble, etc, is obviously not something to be encouraged, but the fact that teens do this sort of thing does not give an excuse to be a helicopter parent IMO. In fact, I think one of the reasons it generally phases out in adulthood is because they know they won’t get bailed out by anyone, including their folks, if they screw up.

  • Kyle Loftis

    For my entire upbringing my mother tortured me by engaging in this type of behavior. She would sneak into my room and go through my things(still don’t know why). At age 16 (freakin 16!) I wasn’t allowed to go past the stop sign at the end of the block yet alone hang out with friends so I had to make up lame excuses when my friends wanted me to. She would show up constantly at my school to make sure i was wearing the horrible clothing she forced me to wear. Unbelievably humiliating. While I was a teenager she would show up at my friends houses to check on me. That is if I managed to get out of her grip. She had to be present at all of my school functions. Even dances and trips. When I was in college she somehow got the phone number of someone who was with me at a party because she saw a news report about a body being found in a dumpster bout 100 miles away from my university. She forced me to attend therapy sessions with her. After I had been married for over a year she would call me dozens of times in a row because I failed to call her to say I would be out late despite the fact that I was a married adult and did not live with her. She now goes to meetings for parents who have lost a child due to suicide for some sick reason and claims that I gave her PTSD because I made her worry so much. I myself have had horrible problems with anxiety, depression, low self esteem, substance abuse, and anger that have made a huge impact on my life. At 35 I am just now starting to get a hold on my own life and I live the best that I can. My 31 year old brother on the other hand still lives with mommy and daddy. Hes never had a girlfriend and stays in the same room he grew up in with the same posters of cartoons that he put up when he was about 8. It’s confusing but I simultaneously love and despise my mother. And guess what!….I dont have anything to do with her anymore. Helicopter parenting IS child abuse.

  • Seth Carreon


  • My Life

    My parents are helicopter parents and I really can’t take it anymore, sometimes I wish I wasnt even alive, my mom says that she gives me everything but the truth is somethings I don’t want to do. I can’t even try a new sport or even hang out with my friends, I’m glued to my phone because I don’t have anyone to hang out with, my mom says I don’t need friends over when she locks herself in the room all day, it gives me depression and I don’t want to have that. I just want a normal life like other kids to. I have mental break downs about everyday and I don’t have joy in me, the only place I can be happy is when I am away from my parents, they don’t even let me hang out with boys that are only friends and they blame stuff on me. I just wish for a normal life. Well I’m going to stop now, bye…..

  • Xaviere Krus

    Protect or over sheltering? Look I understand the desire of wanting to see your child succeed, but sometimes they have to learn the hard way early to make better choices.

  • Josh Hopkins

    I told my mom I wanted to go to the park one time. Apparently she didn’t believe me because my dad pulled up a few minutes later to see if I was there or not.

  • Mohaine

    I guess my generation grew up with parents, who’s primary concern, was snorting some premium chop off a solid surface.

  • Emma Frost

    Helicopter parents are just like other parents but with severe retardation on top. They are Selfish and only care about their own discomfort.

  • Kathryn94

    My mom is definitely a helicopter parent! I’m ‘really’ close with her, but recently I’m seeing that there are downsides to that! I’m 21 years old, and if she sees a guy even looking at me she’ll either give him a ‘back off’ stare, or stay near me so he won’t approach! AAAAHHHHH

  • Amazing Huh

    I have a friend with this kind of mom and i feel so bad for him becuase he doesn’t realize it. And i feel like I should say something to him about it but i dont want to hurt his mom’s feelings.

  • C.K. Gould

    I am 30 and my parents do this crap all the time.

  • Going Coastal

    Any parent who needs the obvious advice given in this video shouldn’t be a parent in the first fucking place.

  • 2992929292929

    My good friend had a very controlling mom and abusive. once he got so mad about all the controlling that his mom was doing and he hit her. He wasn’t no ordinary kid. He is very strong and huge. 6’4 300 to be exact. His mom got hurt, bad! He now has new parents (coaches of the team) and is playing on the football team with me. He says he is so much happier now. These bitches of parents need to realize that one day that kid is going to snap. In my friends mom case, that kid was a goliath.

  • Jakob Shockley

    2:18-2:39 what I have to go through😑

  • A Jewish Mother

    Half a million subs and only 360p?!?! Shame on you CBS, shame!

  • Diane Yen

    my parents are making me insane. they don’t want me to date, mom spies on my phone, and my mom keeps on checking in my job through my cousin who is the branch manager of the company I applied for. Yes, she even choose my clothes too , shoes and job .

  • john murphy

    Helicopter moms are Satan.

  • Seth Carreon


  • First Last

    it’s women

  • Matthew Juarez
