Conscious Parenting: What Parents Can Do To Raise Conscious Children
Conscious Parenting: What Parents Can Do To Raise Conscious Children
Ever feel like you’re no match for your child’s meltdowns or conflicts in your personal relationships? In this video you’ll learn the best ways to practice conscious parenting and how staying centered despite outer chaos can actually be achieved.
Conscious parenting — and being a conscious human being in all relationships — takes inner work. This video will teach you some of the best ways to begin cultivating inner awareness and trusting the innate wisdom in yourself and your loved ones.
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my trigger from my kids, grandkids, anyone I guess is when I am not appreciated. By show of disrespect, taken for granted and such. I’m aware that it is because of my feelings of unworthiness. I have to remind myself daily, hourly, by minute, how worthy I am, along with everyother being on this planet.
My trigger is my daughter acting out in public… I think people will think I’m a bad parent because my kid doesn’t listen. But she is only four. I think it comes from my continued PPD. I still am having trouble coming to terms with if I like being a mom or not, and if people can see that. I love my daughter, but I feel like people automatically assume you are a POS if being a mom isn’t your mushy rainbow heart and soul. its like I don’t even think what she is doing is that big of a deal, but everyone will think I’m shit if I don’t keep her in line.
I needed to hear this
Wonderful and exalting, thank you
woooow this episode is awesome I love it so much and dr.shefali is very beautiful thank you very much
Beautiful insight takeways that will facilitate even greater healing for our wounded inner child. Thanks!
Absolutely brilliant interview, thank you.
This is very helpful. I am a new mom and this is very helpful. Thanks for posting.
It is so amazing that you answered my question, Marie. You gave me a whole new insight to this topic, and the timing couldn’t be better. Thank you so much to you and your guest for taking the time to discuss my question, and I know it helped others as well! 🙂 Since I asked this question (which was a couple months ago)I have been trying to reach that sense of stillness that was mentioned, and I meditate regularly, almost daily, but this has given me even more inspiration and motivation to make some more necessary adjustments. I cannot express my gratitude to you enough!
So loved this!!!! Thx for sharing!
This is not a Q&A Tuesday topic for business. I want to see more videos about business topics.
Beautiful conversation… 🙂
wow!!!! just discovered this episode!!!!! my two life guides!!!!!
This is one of my favorite episodes. Bravo!
What triggers me is disobedience. I have a very difficult relationship with my son because of that. He’s a brave little soul, a strong character and hates compromises just as much as I do. So we are in a constant state of war. War for power. I know that this is all my problem, I know where it comes from in my childhood but I fell to control that inner monster, this EGO of mine… This leaves me feeling hopeless. I wish I lived in NY so I could visit dr Tsabary. It’s hard if not impossible to find a good therapist, who specializes in this aria here.
great wisdom here…. I have to laugh a tiny bit tho… Just watched 60 min. with another ‘ male ‘ interviewee and she used the word ‘ penetrate ‘ like 4 or 5 times… just thought, ‘ she likes the word and uses it in conversation ‘….. Hm? LOL ~ In any event, lots of good stuff here! 🙂
I just want to say this was very touching as most of your talks are Marie! That inner voice is truly what is calling out all the time and we lose it as children, adults and so forth.Truly, amazing!
Wow, just what I needed to hear right now. Thank you x
Yeah…let our children to follow their inner voice and play until they are 40 years old and then when they are useless and ask: "dad/mom, why didn’t you teach me or guided me to do something?! " and you say: "oh, but I let you follow your inner voice!!!!!!!!!" "you need to be an idiot to be used by smart people who’s parents did not allow them to follow their inner voice"
oh I can see the vision for the future of children & families. I always have felt like there are not many role models out there for the type of parenting that I know is possible so thank you for sharing this!
I loved this. Thank you! As a mum to 3 children this really resonated with me. From the video I will work on full filling my needs from the inside rather than from externally and will guide my children to do the same. I’m already on the journey as I recently resigned from my job and set up my own consulting business and have learnt that when I
stopped chasing success, success found me in a very different form than what I had originally thought. I’m happy, I have my life back, I’m doing things for me and helping others, I’m making an impact and finally making my mark. Thank you for all you videos, I couldn’t have done this without you X
This is so beyond being a parent- meaning it’s for us the adults about ourselves-as we all had "flawed" parents so each of us need to hear this. I’m so glad to have found this. Marie thanks so much for htis one!
I think you say "amazeballs" sometimes Yes!
Loved this episode, Marie! Such great tips for all even non-parents.
Is wisdom the "new" word for intelligence ? I think so
Superb ! This is need of Time !
I’m triggered when I think people aren’t listening to me or don’t want to listen to me. That trigger is telling me probably — that when I’m communicating to be validated it’s not easy for anyone involved, and it’s not really a fun/life affirming way to communicate. Maybe I’ll try to just communicate more flow of joy, authentic joy, after I tune into an validate myself first. **
hey 👋 Im @FreaRobinson. How are you? 😊 I looooooove your videos. Check out mine Id love to know your thoughts
This video is so relative. As a mom of a 4-year-old and a new baby on the way this is so insightful. I am ordering her book from Amazon for free! Using
A great interview! I recommend Conscious Parenting on my website as I have found it so helpful. Most helpful I guess, when my child doesn’t behave as I expect him to (which is all the time thank goodness 🙂 )…
Very inspiring! Changed my outlook on parenting.
I definitely sent this interview to my friends and family. Really great interview. Thank you!
What a moment to be alive,thank you so much for sharing this💝
This has got to be one of the best interviews I have ever heard. It hit home, I mean really hit home. As always Marie, thank you for feeding my soul!
One of my triggers is when someone close to me tells me I should do something differently. I am learning first to defend my methods that I know to be right and secondly to take constructive criticism
Trampled – One of the main words I use to describe my childhood. And in response, I refused to listen to anyone’s advice about how to raise my child, and thank G-d I used all my strength from surviving my mother into not trampling or allowing anyone else to trample my child. And he is a wonderful grown, married man now, and admired by all who meet him for his beautiful spirit. And I’m coming to realize that now it’s my turn, to raise myself again, authentically this time. Thank you both for all these words of wisdom and affirmation, another light-post on the path of our journey.
Always follow your instincts. I was always a laid back parent and had tremendous respect for my children. They are now very confident adults. I had very gentle parents and so could easily pass this on for my children. It just always made sense and was instilled in me since childhood.
After watching Dr Shefalis talks, I have realised that I get triggered by someone saying something is wrong – especially my spouse. I kept saying to him "stop blaming me!" and "stop having a go – it’s not MY fault!" I think this stems from all the guilt that was pushed onto me as a child and being led to believe I was to blame for every problem in the house. So now, when my husband says something is wrong, I just acknowledge it and maybe offer a suggestion of a solution. Thank you Dr Shefali, you have changed my life!x
I really wanted her to look like one of the rhonj
So refreshing to see a psychologist teaching philosophical ideas as therapeutic techniques particularly self reflection and examination. Thank you Marie tv!
This was amazing and so eloquently stated. I have a 19 year old and 16 year old and I am trying to redirect how I parent and I am having a hard time have a less controlling approach especially when they make decisions I feel like can impact them. I would like to purchase the book but does anyone know if there are exercises in the book that teach you how to start moving towards this concept or idea of parenting?
This interview is very insightful
What triggers me ? My ego always telling me how bad I am how wrong is all I do and say.
With mindfulness, I can notice is, and stop the drama before I feel overwhelmed with a depressive state of mind.
Great topic and video but I also heard that a child in middle school (under 16 I assume) is in love! This kid has time for a boyfriend? Something is wrong with this
Great to see people connecting with their inner voice and not being driven by social/outside expectations and that vague, generalized status anxiety we all think we should be keeping up with. Stay true with #mindfulness
Freaking AMAZING!!
I am growing to become the conscious aspect of true self & I often visualized how to pass ethernal conscious ideals learnt knowing my path insideoutformation of the ego self is my own. I needed a way to guide a child if and when I am blessed with parenthood. Dr. Shefali’s book is true guidence for evolution of an offspring technology. The ideals expressed through her dissolved my fears of parenthood..
As a working mom 9-5 anyone have advice balancing life and motherhood? It seems I’m always rushing… Rushing getting dress in the morning, rushing not to be late, rushing to cook dinner and get ready for the next day. It’s so exhausting.Any tips! please =)
WOW!!! This has to be one of the most inspiring things I’ve seen since I began my own work on parenting four years ago. I hadn’t heard of Dr Tsabari until today, so I’ll be buying her books and looking up other videos featuring her work – as a matter of priority … I can’t wait!
Love it, love it, love it!!
I applaud Dr Shefali for her purposeful work. One recommendation would be to use less terminology and new age language because ‘regular’ folks really need to understand this more than those who are already familiar with terms like "authentic self". Put it in layman terms. All the best with your work.