Biblical Parenting, Part 1: Selfless Parenting

Biblical Parenting, Part 1: Selfless Parenting

The first part in a series by Pastor Steve and Bobi Whinery about how to raise children of all ages in a godly manner with practical examples and a biblical foundation. From Sunday, September 20, 2015.


  • SerenityProgramming

    You know when some one says " Warning I am about to offend some of you." There probably Going to tell you some truth. Lets be real though, The truth hurts.

  • Steven Lewis

    I am confused about how much the grandparents should be involved in the kids. I believe that grandparents should be involved, but not to the point of enabling the parents responsibility . I know grandparents should love and support a Godly life. But in some cases it’s easier for the parents to allow the grandparents to do the will of God and actually have to raise them. So my question is how far is the grandparents to go before you’re actually enabled the parents? My wife and grandparent puts the kids first and being a wife last. Am I wrong, as I have prayed about this for years? Help my marriage and family as what is the will of God on this topic!!! God bless all!!!