BBC Documentary Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Parenting
BBC Documentary Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Parenting
BBC Documentary Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Parenting
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I love Anne, but them lips don’t move.
you are the weakest link!!! GOOD BYE!!!
I’m fascinated by Tommy (the guy at the end), he seems to be doing things so well. He’s nailed it
The christian family set a good example. Its not an iron grip at all. And its a stupid comment to say that if you obey your parents you can’t have your own ideas, that makes no sense
A good parent has the final say but gives children a chance to have a say. Authoritative rather than Authoritarian. Lots of involvement.
fuck this disgusting old pig
that woman does not age…
That boy at 7:08 ”Bloody hell, mum.” hahahaha. so cute!
Attachment parenting is another word for Bad parenting