Bad Parenting -12 Signs of Bad Parenting! Are You One of Them?
Bad Parenting -12 Signs of Bad Parenting! Are You One of Them?
Bad Parenting -12 Signs of Bad Parenting! Are You One of Them?
My father is a bitch he didn’t used a condom after all i get this shit life
It’s official. I have bad parents.
I’m so sad
My parents are pricks.
I’m planning on never becoming a parent, because I know I’ll just end up doing a lot of this shit.
i hate my parents so much.thank you honestly for making me feel shitty and low about myself.
Show this video to the uneducated Hispanic moms
Officially moving first chance I get no matter what.
put my parents they never believe me
My mom always takes my phone and laptop away whoever I text or call my best friend lmao
my mom does nearly all of those things BAD PARENTING MOTHER BAD PARRENTING!
When u try to show this to your parents but they just think u are trying to fool them. ._.
wowie i sure do love my parents :)))))
Damn, I must be a hella good aunt then. Taking care of two kids that love me’s the best thing in the world, it’s nice knowing I’m doing shit right lol
Parents should discipline their children.
Suggesting it’s okay to have little children make a fuss and run around Wal-Mart knocking things off the shelf is and not be disciplined because they’re in public is a very incorrect philosophy and explains why we’re in the mess we’re in today, because people do not discipline their children, but instead make up excuses why not to.
my freaking mothers is one of this
If I have kids one day I never compare them with other kids
I hope my parents have saw this at least once
i wanted to tell my mom this video but she didn’t want to, cuz she was busy looking at facebook and she said "what do you want !!?" i said "so this vi-"and she said "just play the video already !!" i said "wait let me explain what this video is about" she said "IK JUST PLAY THE VIDEO AND I’LL WATCH IT AFTER THIS !!!!!!!!" I said "you don’t have to get mad easily" she answered "HOW AM I SUPPOSED WHEN YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED IT !!!!!!". i was gonna explain what was it about and she got mad quickly…. my dad gets me,he pays attention and listens to me.
I have the worst mom ever!!!! uhh I hate my mom she always angry at me cuz a small situation she will yell at me
Lighting kz+ me too only because I love video games and I watch YouTube to much and I never get really good at school and I never get diplomas my parents hate me, I have bad parents to 😞
I wanna get outta here out of this hellhole (my house)
All of this is my dad …I love him but it’s hard to love him right now ……I’m sorry fo everyone and lord but I really hate my dad every day he call me idiot every time …every thing I did is wrong …..and if you’re reading this dad I’m telling you,your such a lair ….I know because of you I’m here right now…but I don’t give a shit a father like you I really love you that time but now I’m sorry …I can’t take this anymore…I promise I will never ever be the idiot person in your sight and your world ……just do hurt my mom …I know you allways use my YouTube account and you gonna watch every thing I watch so yes I hope you read this……and you guys your lucky you have a hero father kind father strong father your lucky so loved them ….
XD I Ca relate to all of this.
Well, my mum is everything in this video…. When I was child, whenever I do sth wrong( even sth very small) , she would just beat the hell out of me… Or worst case pour a whole pot of hot water over me… ( or caning till skin becomes like zebra), forcing me to go school the next day…. I wonder if anyone else also have the same problem….. And all she does is just complaining.and making fuss nowadays about how useless I am as a students( like I wont go to work) but the truth is I cant go to work due to my medical reasons. Even I explain to her the reasons, she will say that "why? Work will make u die?!" useless son.) but in fact, if I over work, I will die from my conditions…… I hope I can get help soon…. Please…
#4 my dad’s favorite hobby.
i think #6 is the only one that didn’t check.
when i became self aware and started thinking my own thoughts n shit i watched this and showed it to them they werent happy with me
Whenever we go to public places with my mom and we see other kids doing positive things and my mom sees she tells me and my brother to go look at them and say everything we haven’t done like when we gone to the mall she saw kids reading books and my mom said "Look at them kids over there! Starting to read so young! All you do is play on your iPad!" And it makes me feel like she likes other kids more.
Checky, check, checkity check check. My parents stink at this.
Ya I have terrible parents