Bad Behaviour (Parenting Documentary) – Real Stories

Bad Behaviour (Parenting Documentary) – Real Stories

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A powerful and emotive examination of seven-year-old Georgina – a child out of control. After six years of terrible behaviour, parents Diane and Fred have decided to put her into care.

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  • Lucia D

    Omg that woman never should have reproduced. I am child free by choice because i knew I would resent the sacrifices parenthood requires. I wonder if that mother has too much testosterone, given her height and attitude. At least I knew myself well enough to not have a child, though I have been criticized for it.

  • Betty Boo

    Clearly from the first minute.. the mother doesn’t have time for motherhood..complete apathy.

  • Brenda Wells

    I think that this family shows courage by admitting the depth of their problems and searching for solutions.  Many problems are hidden behind facades of normalacy, never discussed, never changed, much less solved.  It is a very difficult thing to change one’s nature as an adult.  This whole family has learned to change positively together. Wonderful job!

  • Junbug Rodriguez

    Clearly she loves her significant other like a "Needy father figure" so clearly she had daddy issues as a child and probably went through abuse by her own father that is why she can not display love

  • mathsoph

    Why doesn’ t this father tell her a story at bedtime???? Or let her read herself??

  • cindy gutierrez

    This lady reminds me of my mom. We have issues.

  • Ender41948 H

    Regardless of the situation with this little girl, IMO the mother shouldn’t have ever had children in the first place. She definitely doesn’t appear to have the type of proper maternal instincts that she should & I think this is a sad situation all around. Other commenters have theorized the Mum might be on the Autism spectrum & I must agree I think that’s highly possible, especially in this situation.
    It would be interesting to find out how Georgina fares later in life after she & her parents receive the type of psychological help they ALL need & I hope & pray she’s able to grow up to be happy, well-adjusted & most importantly feels like she’s loved.

  • Dazzling Extremes

    how sad I think the mother realised when she kissed her child for the first time she has denied her love for so long…. and it hurt her.

  • S. Alexiadi

    Mama and papa you are both amazing warm lovely people… it is wonderful and very touching to watch you both trying to get beter in parenting your beautiful girl. Love wins after all..bravo!💜💓💙

  • seheabol

    mom knows. It’s just very difficult for her. If mom works on mom , kid will be fine

  • Deni Ro

    I am a family therapist.  I have been a licensed therapist for 30 years.  I assign this video often.  I commend these parents  for there bravery in exposing the flaws in their parenting to save their family.  Please be kind.  I think the mother has had a lifetime of bullying and it continues in these comments.  Kudos to her for having the bravery to change…

  • free your mind s

    Our kid has the same in puberty it is very heavy with our jobs and keeping the mind on zero.
    In Holland our daughter is diagnosted from the age till 6 ADHD pddnos. Now dhr is 13 and they have rediagnosed her ADHD. Our daughter has anger mannagment problems and the word always comes out when she makes things broken but then it is the end of the day. It is exhausted and irritated in personal life.
    Children are very egoistic and only think about their selves.

  • Kitty Minco

    The mother is obviously a victim of trauma. I hate being touched too, and touching others makes me uncomfortable. People saying that she was able to hug her husband… it’s a different kind of connection. I was always comfortable with boyfriends, but family members are the absolute worst. It’s just what trauma does. I think the husband should have stepped up way before and gotten them help, though. The little girl is just acting out as an abuse victim. She has defense mode on at all times because she’s always afraid. When she starts getting love, she starts giving that out as well. Monkey see, monkey do.

  • Carlton Walton

    Expelled from a nursery. She’s the absolute best. Bad to the bone.

  • Dannii Stoyles

    With all her faults at least the mother owned and addressed them. Children don’t come with a manual and the truth is its a lot harder for some ppl to adapt to parenthood than others.

  • ADCxoDPC

    This reaffirms exactly why I don’t make apologies for not wanting kids. It’s not for everyone and that doesn’t make u a bad person. I have a cat and he’s like a child but much less annoying lol. The mother in this documentary is a saint cuz this child is a terror and I think it’s obvious the mother was also abused during her own childhood. There’s that emotional disconnect.

  • Indra Eindhoven

    Props to the parents tho, especially the mum, for getting the right help, and to admit the problem lies with them, not the kid.

  • Lucia D

    Mommy has rosacea for sure, along with possible high blood pressure, given her red face. I wonder if she has low estrogen, or too much testosterone as well. She is unusually tall and big framed for a woman. Could that contribute to her lack of empathy for her own child?

  • Rissa Neermind

    This is why some people shouldn’t have kids. I don’t ever want any. I don’t have the desire or the urge.

  • Nancy Tracy

    I feel for this woman. She’s trying. Good for her!

  • Lindsey McQuillan

    This woman needs help, shes so mean to her baby!!

  • maria Silent Hill

    oh my god poor girl, her mother is Mrs Doubtfire and her father is Forrest Gump, no wonder

  • Holly Smith

    It is so clear that the mother experienced post-partum depression that left her unable to bond with her daughter. This is what happens when mothers are not properly taken care of after giving birth.

  • Manie Khamsihong

    Wow! Surprise ending, loved i and love how her mom came around. Children are a blessing!

  • catherine helen Carter

    He’s a lovely man and a good father. She is clearly one very unhappy lady but has been able to face her problems/issues so well done

  • Sara Knighten

    This seem like a case of RAD reactive attachment disorder. If the mother really has asbergers and never really bonded with her child it could lead to this disorder in a child.

  • mathsoph

    Almost the FIRST thing this child says is : don’t smack me!

  • kaila kotz

    this child reminds me of a real life veruca salt with her tempers and whining.

  • Derp Ferguson

    Bad parenting. End of story.


    One of the worst parents and parenting she talks about kill which days her attitude is so bad

  • Your Ego

    Am I the only one who was always stern where my kids wouldn’t even think of acting this way. Parents are the leaders that’s what they signed up for. LEAD THEM! Guide them. Make them happy. Set a nice life for her so she’s not screaming and unhappy -that’s a parent’s job. When kids know their limits, 97% of the time, they’ll want to please you and feel self satisfaction because they know what’s “right” and “good”. Xo

  • Kari Fredrikson

    Children learn “Parenting” starting in infancy. It is called “Patterning”.So sorry for that child.

  • mathsoph

    Bad behavior of the parents. Ultimate bad parenting.

  • amandafromhaha

    Georgina would be 23 now. I wish there was an update on this family.

  • Cynthia Elyssia Lane

    I think the mum has postpartum depression

  • elisefleur1

    Poor parents, what a brat..

  • Holy Atheist

    They need to show these kids to teenagers in school. Instant birth control.

  • That one irrelevant Animasher

    I got the best ad before this…

  • Sheri Pipp

    Nah they were doing their best. No one here can judge bc at lest they sought help. How many cases do u hear if children dying from abuse. They are not abusive they all need family therapy.

  • Delaney

    seems like a narcissist… I feel no sympathy for this woman. She’s putting a child through pain. There’s no excuse for that. Especially none when it takes her 7 years to put some effort into making her daughter happy. You don’t have to have some crazy insane maternal instinct to do that, just a shred of compassion would do.

  • mathsoph

    Can these parents get a make-over? Inside and outside.


    Sometimes it takes quite a bit to warm this cold heart, but damn it this did the trick I tell ya. I’m glad everything worked out for their family.

  • Dani Rayne

    I feel so sorry for all of them, they all were lost at the start. The improvement was massive though . It was so good to see the mother hug her daughter and kiss her goodnight for the first time. It made me tear up.

  • Sabrina Frölich

    Pennies? Taken away? Oh, that’s gonna boot her self esteem 😣

  • Hemantha Sumathipala

    How powerful mother’s touch.

  • Madison Scott

    I believe making her cry as an infant was the doom socially for her. Diane should have held and expressed affection for her newborn. The CIO method is very primitive and has been connected to anger issues.

  • Jade Damboise Rail

    So she yells at her constantly then worries why her daughter has behavioral issues?

  • Esli R

    Positive training is not like giving a child 30 pense a day and then take away 10 pense when they behave badly, it’s the other way around

  • Songbyrd Jackson

    Why haven’t anyone gave them bonding exercises? These parents never bonded with her. Honestly, they haven’t developed her brain in the nurturing department. It’s kinda like their raising a feral child in the home. That kid would literlly do better being raised by wolves….Dad’s too old, and the wife is very mentally underdeveloped for her own age. Losing situation for the kid.

  • Alyssa Grasso

    That’s so sad, she never formed a bond with her daughter