Babies At 50 (Parenting Documentary) – Real Stories

Babies At 50 (Parenting Documentary) – Real Stories

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A one-off documentary that examines ethical issues and questions in the light of revelations by scientists that, thanks to fertility treatment, a women can now have children right up into her eighties.

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Produced by Granada TV.

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  • Robin Correll

    Absolutely disgusting! You are reverting back to “blue blood” ideals. Getting an egg from your own daughter is just not on 🤮

  • silvershadow

    My mom was 37 when I was born, I’m first born, is this normal? I think its kinda old

  • Mascheria perduenabbs

    Ok, I am so lost. This mother soon to be is having family babies. That is crazy to me. Could someone else donate the eggs beside a family

  • Welcome's House

    My advice is to have donors u don t know because it s not fair on the carrying mom if one day the egg donor wants her kid🤔


    Jesus Christ! This isn’t difficult to sort out! Your so-called Queen is a female to male transvestite, nothing new here! It’s been done throughout the ages! The general public (because they’re as dumb as a box of rocks) followed suit. When are you people going to wake the fμck up???? That’s the real question!

  • Pixieinhiding

    My mum had me at 33, but I knew someone who had her first at 40 and second at 42

  • Tracy Hughes

    this older couple thats been trying for 8 years, why not adopt at that point? you have 5 empty bedrooms and i’m sure there’s plenty of kids who already exist who would love to make it a home… it can’t be worse than 12 fertility attempts

  • asha2569

    My dad was 40 when I was born and he passed away at age 67, I don’t have kids yet and it kills me that he can’t physically be there to walk me down the isle and see me have a family of my own… Hopefully I’ll have kids soon since my biological clock is ticking and I don’t want my kids to go through what me and my brothers went through…

  • Jasper Rose

    I get having older parents-As of right now mum’s 51, and dad’s 61. I’m 16 now, and though things haven’t always been…. "Easy" I still love em to pieces <3

    Something we always found hilarious, was when I was little, I went to work with my father one day. Someone goes "Awww, is that your granddaughter?" After realizing that wasn’t the case, it was like they wanted to hide lmao..

  • J Blaney-Bolan Southworth

    Gosh I was hoping for something more helpful than someone who used donor eggs. I’m hopeful I’ll still get lucky to finally have my own at 40. Damn time flies. Still seems like last month I graduated high school then bam 💥 wake up one day and it’s your 40th birthday 🎂. F’d up!!

  • Yolande van Schalkwyk

    oh thanks..childfree by choice

  • Elle Hfr

    It is not selfish at any age this idea is ignorant and stupid?

  • Kelly Za

    My mom as 42 when I was born, I have sisters and brothers decades older than me. My eldest sister is 21yrs older than me. It was without medical intervention.. As for the little girl asking for a sibling.. I have a 9yr old, had my child at 27… and we have no sibling for her…not out of choice…. and it is just the reality she has.. to be an only child.
    My mother had me, and I spent the school holidays with all my nieces and nephews staying over… was wonderful… my mother is 79, she has my brother and my 8yr old niece living with her (my sister in law passed away).. my mom is still a mommy to her grand child and says to everyone it keeps her healthy and young and that it is as tiring no matter the age.

  • De.Aridesu TM

    *My mum had me at 19, what-*

  • Karen Toole

    Lovely if it makes people happy why not.
    I am 54 and would love a little girl had hysterectomy in my late thirties but only now wish I had a child adoption is my only choice .If people have love to give why not

  • Tanya Brown

    I took in a lovely (kind and quiet for a teen) 13 year old friend of my same aged daughter, for a couple of years who had older parents and who was not being looked after properly due to their age. Her father was in his 90s!! (approx 40 year age difference between her parents.. her mother had been in her late 40s when she got pregnant). Her father had grown so old and cranky to the point he couldnt handle his daughter in his home or any noise there and they’d just lock her out of the house after school and not let her until it was almost time for bed (and she was left to make her own dinner, clean up etc). After I stopped looking after their child, she was sent away to live with an aunt

  • Alissa Michelle

    My mom was 19 and too young. We have no relationship and I’m 37 now. The older, the better

  • Kayole12

    I had my children at 23 and 24 because i want to give to my children a young mother…. at 50 i will be a grandma 😂

  • alice lynema

    My mom and dad were in their 40’s when they had me . I had an amazing life with with parents who were established and young at heart. They were business owners. No one guessed my mother’s age correctly because she kept herself so lovely and was always on the go. I’m 40 now and sadly I’ve lost both of my parents very suddenly. My dad died right after I graduated high school from a brain bleed due to an undiagnosed genetic illness that I have since been diagnosed with too. Even so, I wouldn’t change anything! The years I had with my father were very full of travels around the world and summers full of camping, boating, house parties with my family. My parents were financially stable by the time I came along and my older siblings always told me I was lucky. My mother got to be the best grandmother my kids could’ve ever asked for. Not once did she ever slow down. It was always a running joke if someone was rushing around the house they would be called by my mother’s name 😉 unfortunately 7 years ago she too died suddenly. She died peacefully in her sleep and till this day we do not know why. She was what dr’s called a “picture of health” before she passed. The autopsy showed no health issues. I do miss her terribly!!! Out of five children I was the closest to my mom and do do credit that to her age . She was so thrilled when I unexpectedly came along. She always called me her unexpected blessing. RIP to the best parents I could’ve ever asked for.

  • Ihateu2btoo

    My dad turned 50 while my mom was in the hospital recovering from my birth. Im glad to have had such a wise knowing man as my father. He did have health issues a lot which gave me anxiety at a young age so i think that parents who have children late in life should do all they can to keep healthy. My dad refused. He smoked, drank and ate what he wanted and never worked out and that part was a bit selfish of him. He passed when I was 28 so thankfully I had a good while with him. More than my best friend did with her average aged father. He got cancer young and died when she was just 15. Who is to say that wont happen to any parent? I had more time with my old dad than she did with her young one. I think its fine to have a child late just as long as you have the means to provide and so long as you do your best to keep well.

  • Dawne Myers

    Babies at 59. The one lady is giving the baby a drink from her wine glass? What are you crazy? These people are messing with science and other bodies to have children who all related to one another. Who can keep up with this ancestry tree. Quite twisted. They are all crazy!?

  • Paw Patrol And Food Channel

    Sorry for your loss I hope 🤞 get better


    The question is…WHOS THE FATHER?

  • Jasper Rose

    I get having older parents-As of right now mum’s 51, and dad’s 61. I’m 16 now, and though things haven’t always been…. "Easy" I still love em to pieces <3

    Something we always found hilarious, was when I was little, I went to work with my father one day. Someone goes "Awww, is that your granddaughter?" After realizing that wasn’t the case, it was like they wanted to hide lmao..

  • Kiiara

    My mom had me at 43, now she’s 58, my dad too and i’m 14, i love my parents.

  • Obscured Enigma

    my mom had me at 16 my dad at 14. my mom was two years older. my dad is tall as heck , so he didn’t seem like a typical 14 yr old accept for his baby face. he is now 44 , about. he looks like Jim Carey lol. that’s his humor. over all it’s wired because I’m 27 and he is 44 this yr. but we have been pulled over by cops whom believed he was my bf. wired. but.. it’s that he looks like he is in his early 30s. 33 or so. and no one has ever said , "is that ur dad"?.. always every other assumption until we tell them we r father and daughter.. then wait for the (😮😯 )factor.

  • Esther StrategicAdvisor

    The family with donated eggs – that’s inbreeding and known to cause Genetic issues later. Look at the face of the young girl while the lady sitting behind explained. She looks upset. 😡 Pressured into something maybe?

  • Natasha Haines

    What happened to Jenny and warren I hope the final had a baby x

  • ॐNeo_White _Rabbitॐ

    I don’t think she should of used her nieces egg. Too close to home. The kid is going to grow up and deep down consider her biological as her only mum.

  • Jennifer M

    I think the difference is between women who find out that they’re pregnant at 40 something naturally and those who are in their late 40s/50s who seek ivf treatment. I’m not begrudging anyone a happy family life and I am sure that most children of older parents would be heartbroken reading some of these comments – especially when they are made by people who haven’t experienced that upbringing. However, I think there is a point where it is selfish. Biologically after a certain age women are much more likely to give birth to babies with disabilities and it doesn’t seem fair to have a child when it is unlikely that you will live to see them into their 20s. I think after a certain age if you desperately want children but are past the menopause there are plenty of wonderful fostering agencies to be part of. It may not be the same but it does hold the possibility of having a child and giving that child the best life you can. That’s just my opinion.

  • Louise Robson

    I don’t care what they say at that age you will certainly not have the energy of a younger women which you need a lot of to cope and keep up with young children. I don’t think it’s fair OMG he child ether to grow up with a very old and out of touch parent who they may have to care for at a young age.

  • ॐNeo_White _Rabbitॐ

    Jenny looks like Cheryl Blair

  • Nikki D

    I think this is wonderful. I’m 54 and most of the women in my family lived into their 90s. If I could, I would have another child. Don’t suggest adoption because I’m deemed a bit old…

  • Julianna Okike

    Nope……I’m not even waiting that long.

  • Kendrick Zuo

    As a man, what’s the risk of me waiting to have my first child in my 60s with my wife who is also in her 60s?

  • dexterdamonkey

    What I’ve learned is that older women make more stable mothers, make more happy children. I mean emotional stability, financial stability, life experience. Don’t see anything wrong with it,

  • Cole Bum

    Should I feel happy or ashamed that my parents had me at 39?

  • Lindsay Wright

    Just curious are they giving that young child wine or champagne? or is it just juice in a wine shaped bottle?

  • angel 123

    English people have yellow teeth

  • Chloe Poole

    I had a horrible time when I was born

  • AllsortPassport

    I’m so glad I don’t want children. I wouldn’t want to go through the stress of wondering whether to have them young or wait until I was older and then having to go through something like this if I did decide to wait until I was older.

  • Ghost girl Tv.

    My mom was 23 when she had me she’s 38 now I’m 12 years old and I feel like49 or 50 is a good age to have a family for people who had never had children

  • Aestaetic Edits

    I’m only 19 and my mom is already 60 and dad is 59… it’s sad because even when I’ll still be really young they will be really old and that scares me 🙁 I mean right now my mom doesn’t even look her age or even act it 😂 she actually hardly has any wrinkles and doesn’t even really have white hair, and she could easily pas for her early-mid 40s and my dad could pass for his late 30s-early 40s and he doesn’t have white or gray hair either. My mom still acts like she’s 16 tbh and so my dad acts 25 😂 rn they’re both in pretty good shape and so I’m gonna do my best to take care of them and keep them healthy

  • Cole Bum

    My parents had me at about 38 or 39 years old. My half brother was about 18 or 19 when I was born as well. However, my aunt kimberly was 34 when I was born and I think I heard a rumor that my aunt kimberly ( my dad’s sister ) donated an egg to my mom since my mom and dad tried having me since 1995 but had trouble with giving birth to me until their last year of trying.

  • Chad121130

    We just found out we are expecting after 13 years of trying due Oct 2018.. I am 43 and my wife is 40

  • milly riley

    and now all the babies in this video are over 18 or therabouts, the couple with the 17 year age gaps baby died 3 days before i lost my son aged 17 on the 20th march 1998

  • InuGrlYasha

    I would like to see a “where are they now” sort of thing.

  • Heather Walker

    Sounds like feminist who decided that they wanted to focus on her career hours and then woke up at 40 day and realize they were going to die alone.

  • Melissa Young

    I know they want a baby but 5 rooms? That couple who can’t have a baby should do foster care, give love to children who really need it at that though time in their life. 5 rooms could keep a family of siblings together!

  • Ihateu2btoo

    Sometimes Im like wtf how bad could you really want a baby if you refuse to adopt after all that?? Its sad to me. I get wanting to try to have your own but if you would rather dump 40 grand on a test tube baby than give an orphan love and a proper home I lose a bit of sympathy.