7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child

7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child

Every child is different, and you need to find a unique approach to raising your beloved baby, but there are some golden rules that will help you deal with even the most disobedient ones. Parenting experts explain how you can get your kids to behave better and to do what they’re told in all kinds of situations.
When your kid starts misbehaving and refuses to cross the road, either switch roles with them or give your kid a choice. Either they hold your hand or go in the stroller. In most cases, your kid will readily take your hand. What should you do if your child has misbehaved but isn’t ready to face the music? Please keep in mind that emotional abuse is never the right way out. So instead of making your child stand in the corner for a long time, open up a dialogue and figure out together how their mistake can be fixed.
In case your little isn’t excited about the morning meal, try “breakfast on a stick”. You just need a few wooden skewers and pieces of waffle, different fruit chunks, and berries. Kids have fun stabbing their food with the sticks, and this turns any old boring fork-and-knife breakfast into a cool game.
It must be hard for kids to switch from a fun activity to a much less entertaining one. Turn it into a game called Follow the Leader. You can either lead yourself or let the child do it. In this case, they won’t even notice the transition from play time to some routine activity.
Long hours on the road are ten times more boring for kids than they are for adults. You can find tons of other fun car games on the Internet. They’ll definitely entertain your kids on a road trip while giving you some peace of mind as well.

Music: Bubblegum Ballgame – JR Tundra

When they refuse to walk with their parents 0:51
When they won’t accept punishment for bad behavior 1:33
When they refuse to eat their meal but demand junk food 2:20
When they won’t eat their breakfast 2:58
When they refuse to get dressed 4:16
When they don’t want to stop playing in order to get ready for bed 5:30
When they’re misbehaving in the car 6:18
The main guidelines to follow to avoid conflicts 7:20

-To convince a child to keep walking, try switching roles with them. Let the child play the role of the parent, and you’ll see that they’ll immediately get into the game and do what you want them to.
-In case your child won’t accept punishment, calmly explain why they’re guilty and why they’re going to be punished. Let them have the right to choose even when they make mistakes: for example offer them to either have to pay a fine from their piggy bank or do the dishes for the next week.
-When your child refuses to eat their meal, don’t get frustrated, simply try to find compromises. Offer them dessert as a prize for cleaning up their plate.
-If your kid refuses to have breakfast, keep them company. To make it more fun, suggest they count how many spoonfuls of cereal are left. You can also make it a bedtime tradition to ask your kid what they want for breakfast the next day to avoid unpleasant surprises.
-If kids refuse to get dressed, try a challenging game: tell them you wanna see if they can put their clothes on blindfolded. You can also play the matching game: you choose a color, and the children need to find clothes that match.
-To make your kid stop playing and go to bed, try playing the game “Follow the Leader”. You’ll be the leader, and your little one must follow. Make it fun: walk in a weird way, make sudden jumps and hops that your child must repeat.
-To avoid misbehavior in the car, try playing the Fake Dreams game. Tell everybody in the car to close their eyes and make up a dream that they “see”.
-Address the issue of fairness when you want to encourage children to behave well. You simply need to explain to your kids why it would be better for them to play along, and they’ll understand this. When a situation makes sense for children, they’re ready to cooperate.

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  • Meeeksss

    These tips are good.. but sometimes kids need to know to listen just because they are told. What happens when they are with someone else and that person tells them something for their own safety and the child doesn’t listen because there was no negotiations?

  • Kristine Denis

    i love soup

  • Carrie McGregor

    letting your child choose something , rather than giving them an order works XD. if they don’t like what they choose, they only have themselves to blame XD

  • Natalia Dubinchyk

    ok son help me do the taxes or DIE XD

  • Layla Rudich

    my parents parent abuse me

  • Carrie McGregor

    i just rewarded myself XD my mom gave me a mango (I don’t like mangoes) , so I told myself , if I eat this mango , ill reward myself with pineapple XD ( I lllloooooovvvveeeee pineapple !!!!!!!) XD

  • Fat Gamer


    Now i know how to beat the systems of these

  • Esther Unicornlover123

    The BRIGHT SIDE of YouTube

  • Kristine Denis

    o-o im a kid tho

  • Jalissa Rodney

    1:50 A HOUR?!

  • Love Baking

    im a naughty kid so i watched this video and delated it from history so i can still go on bothering my mom lol😂

  • Bella Boo

    The bear is new when did u star useing the bear

  • Claudia TV

    Shouting and threatening and taking away my toys is what my parents did to deal with me

  • Kristine Denis

    but i have a motor

  • cooljess556655

    I like u vido 😁

  • Paula Rice

    There no bus to pick me from my house for school

  • Stephen Dallas

    5:42 so cute

  • Cookie Shaesweetl

    for getting kids to get into the bath tub give them toys that they can play with in or out of the tub

  • Ji! Jim

    My… My Life is SO bad. MY dad only taught me how o play on THE computer and he actually made me have problems and act very weird 😰😟😟😟😲😲😵😵😵😷😷😷😷😞i wish i was another person

  • Lola Vlogs

    I’m a kid stop thinking we are dumb we’re not bright side

  • Baldi


  • Cool Kids

    my kids behave ALOT they have no dad thoe… they don’t talk…they don’t move… people also call them stuffed animals

  • Pinkeloving

    A kid hates candy DOES YOUR KID?

  • Galaxy Playz

    How my parents use to deal with me, give me money

  • Isparkle203

    -I have a four year old son who behaves and he is the only person who is perfect- MY 4 YEAR OLD SON CANT EVEN SIT DOWN WITHOUT JUMPING AROUND. Thanks for the tips 🙂

  • Rachel James

    You forgot misbehavior in neighbours paddling pool

  • HannaMouse1

    How can you do the matching game on a school day? White shirt? Grey trousers? blazer, tie?

  • Rupert Roo-Bear

    Lol thanks I’ll need that soon

  • luis leon

    My dad beats me with a belt and my mom throws her shoes at me

  • Phil Savage

    I am a kid

  • Anthony Dandrea

    One of a really good car games is match the car color

  • Renee White

    9:24 hahaha

  • AvaLil Aviator

    If I wont eat my breakfast, That means I want color, Good stuff (Like strawberry`s that are sweet :3) Or Shapes- Like a Cookie Cutter or something – Like our Ninja Cookie Cutter xD

  • Kristine Denis

    and i wake up early

  • Solid Snake

    Hmmm…. M-My Grandparents raised me in the province so…. brats? *COUGH!*

  • Madison Isaia

    I didnt like vegetables.
    Then my dad told me if i dont finish it i dont get chocalate.
    Then i started to cry.😂😂

  • 1556lisa

    Moms are so boring

  • Kristine Denis

    but im not bad

  • lilyplay wild

    My mom dose not know what play means so I am in trouble LOL😄😄😄😄😄😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


    When they refuse to walk with their parents 0:51
    When they won’t accept punishment for bad behavior 1:33
    When they refuse to eat their meal but demand junk food 2:20
    When they won’t eat their breakfast 2:58
    When they refuse to get dressed 4:16
    When they don’t want to stop playing in order to get ready for bed 5:30
    When they’re misbehaving in the car 6:18
    The main guidelines to follow to avoid conflicts 7:20

  • Greg Hel

    I was born in 2008

  • Titus Smith

    I’m to smart no aodfence

  • Funtime Lover101

    I play duck duck goose at dinner

  • Hannah Kunstler

    Idek why I’m watching this. I AM a kid

  • Kristine Denis

    and i dont have a car

  • emily cham

    I didn’t say pepper spray😂

  • CandyQueenz

    Another one is to time them, see how long they can sit down at the dinner table, How fast they can get dressed, Eat, and more

  • Jumping dog girl2690

    Who’s a kid watching this?

  • Pietra Tarr

    im a chikd xDD

  • Jimmy Wong
